Subtle but significant changes

A few days ago, if you were looking closely, you may have noticed a few changes here on Per Square Mile. A subtle tweak to the header, small icons for sharing instead of text or buttons, a date on features where there previously was none. But those only hint at much larger changes that have taken place under the hood.

Things have been a bit quiet around here for the past few weeks, and that’s in part because I’ve been working hard to revamp the site, making it fully responsive in the process. That means that you can now visit Per Square Mile from any device—from old 3.5” iPhones all the way up to desktop-powered 30-inch LCDs—and have a reading experience that’s been optimized for that screen size. You can see it in action if you’re on a desktop or laptop by resizing your browser window from largest to smallest. Go ahead, drag away. Every page on the site has been rewritten, from the homepage to individual posts and even the membership page.

I’ve tested the site on a variety of devices, from desktops and laptops to iPads and Androids, but of course I can’t test it on everything. If you see something that doesn’t look quite right, you know where to find me. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this third major version of Per Square Mile.

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