The Search for a Better Delivery Truck System for Old, Narrow European Streets

Feargus O’Sullivan, writing for the Atlantic Cities:

To clear streets of peak-hour trucks and make delivery swifter, City Move has developed a new container system that blends design features from both container shipping and post office boxes. They call this system, successfully piloted in Lyon last year, the Bentobox, presumably because its different compartments resemble a Japanese lunchbox. The Bentobox is effectively a large cart into which any number of different-sized storage containers can be slotted. A set of these boxes can be wheeled easily up a ramp into a truck, speeding up loading times.

The boxes are then shipped to small downtown storage facilities, where customers can pick up their goods when it suits them, opening their allotted container with a password, pre-delivered by SMS, that is entered at a touchscreen docking station.

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