New Hampshire bill proposes aerial photography ban


Neal Kurk (R), member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives since 1986 has recently sponsored HB 619-FN to make aerial photography illegal in their state, which many are considering a look into the future. States are currently struggling with how to deal with advances in drone technology, particularly mini-drones, fueled by fears not only that the federal government is using drones on U.S. soil, but are using them abroad not only to take out terrorists, but suspected terrorists, even if American.

I wish this were a joke. There are ways to regulate a drone-filled future, and this isn’t it. As Mark Frauenfelder points out at Boing Boing, kite aerial photographers would be criminals. Charles Benton, whose site Frauenfelder also linked to, dropped by our lab in grad school, and I can tell you the only thing criminal about his photos is how good they are.

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