New York City hoping to attract mussels to Pier 35

David W. Dunlap, writing for the New York Times:

Even if the bed at Pier 35 fails to attract mussels, officials envision it as an unusual abstract sculpture that can be used to study the extent and effect of tides. A little bridge will cross over the mouth of the habitat, which occupies a small cove. At high tide, the structure will be almost entirely under water. At low tide, it will be almost completely exposed. Maritime grasses will border it at one edge.

Neither state nor federal regulatory agencies required such a habitat, Mr. Kane said, adding, “This was about doing something new.”

This is a perfect example of how small changes can transform a harsh urban environment into a hospitable habitat for native plants and animals. And it’s further proof that cities don’t have to be ecological wastelands. We can have our city and our nature, too.

(Thanks to Charles Waldheim.)

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