Readers like you

I’d like to make a confession: I’m not a risk taker.

When I started Per Square Mile in January 2011, I figured I could carve out a small space for myself on the Internet. The stakes were pretty low—I wrote a few pieces beforehand and spent some time crafting a crisp design for the site, but that was about it.

Fast-forward more than a year and a half and Per Square Mile has developed a bit of a following—on a scale which I never could have imagined. The social media driven landscape has certainly helped. Without Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and the like, I don’t think I’d have the readership I do now. Which is really to say, without you, my readers, generously sharing my work with your friends, colleagues, and acquaintances, I’d still be talking to myself in a corner. Instead, I have tens of thousands of readers. And for that I have you to thank.

I spend many hours on Per Square Mile, from writing to design and everything in between. It has been rewarding to see so many people appreciate that hard work. I love what I do here, and I think you do, too.

That’s why today I’m announcing memberships for Per Square Mile, a way for you, my readers, to support this site. To be clear: The entire site will remain free of charge. There will be no paywall, no members’ area with separate content. But if you love Per Square Mile and want to support independent writing, this is your chance. Your kindness won’t go unnoticed.

The details

The benefits of membership include:

  1. Access to a members only Twitter feed that includes links to original articles and infographics as well as direct links to articles I post on the Linked List. (The existing Twitter account @PerSquareMile, which is articles only, will remain open to all.)
  2. Access to The Daily Per Square Mile, a members only email list that sends everything on the site right to your inbox every morning.
  3. A warm, fuzzy feeling for supporting a site you enjoy.

There are two ways to become a Per Square Mile member. One is to buy a t-shirt, the other is to contribute $19 or more. Both will give you access to members’ perks for one year.

The t-shirt and member extras are my little way of saying “thank you”. But just like no one donates to PBS to receive a tote bag, you’re probably not donating to Per Square Mile just for the t-shirt or the Twitter feed.

Still, the t-shirts are top-notch. They’re printed on American Apparel’s 100% cotton t-shirts and come in both men’s and women’s styles. The printing process is special, too. I chose to use discharge and water-based inks rather than what’s used in the standard silk screening process, which means the print is actually integrated into the cotton fibers. No plasticky feel, no cracking, no peeling. Just the shirt’s soft fabric. It’s more stylish, more comfortable, and more durable.

I’ll be selling Per Square Mile t-shirts only a couple of times a year for only a few weeks at a time, so strike while the iron is hot. There will be one large print run to make things manageable. Shirts will ship out in the middle of September, but your member benefits will be available immediately.

A humble appeal

I’ve been hammering away on this site for over a year and a half now, and I’ve been trying my level best to make those efforts worth reading. I’d like to think I’m succeeding, in part because the site is one of a kind. Really. I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say there’s nothing quite like Per Square Mile out there.

As I said earlier, I’m not one to take risks. Yet here I am, dipping my toe into uncharted waters. It may not seem risky on the surface, but believe me, it feels that way. I’m asking you what you think of Per Square Mile, and by extension, what you think of me as an author. I’m asking for your support.

Thanks to the support of readers like you, Per Square Mile remains independent and ad-free.

If you enjoy what you read, please consider supporting the site with a donation.

opening times