A word about email subscriptions

As you may have noticed, email notifications are back here at Per Square Mile. I was able to convince the folks at WordPress.com to transfer my subscriber list. (It was actually pretty easy, and they were quite nice about it.) 

If you’re overwhelmed by the frequency of emails you’re now receiving from Per Square Mile, you can manage your subscription at WordPress.com to receive a daily or weekly digest (sent in the morning or on Mondays, respectively). Or if you can’t get enough Per Square Mile, you can double-check that you’re signed up for immediate notifications. I recommend the latter, of course. 

For those who wish to start a new subscription today, head over to WordPress.com and create an account from which you can follow Per Square Mile by entering the URL (https://persquaremile.com). You can also subscribe to one of the the RSS feedsfollow the Per Square Mile account on Twitter, or follow the Per Square Mile page on Facebook.

I’m currently exploring other subscription options, too, so if you have any opinions on the matter, please let me know.

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